
This tutorial lets you set up a JupyterHub installation on a Kubernetes Cluster (on Google Cloud), using Helm for managing installation & upgrades.

Create a kubernetes cluster: gcloud container clusters create my-cluster-name –num-nodes=3 –zone=us-central1-b

If you get this error:

ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=503, message=Project alert-result-161014 is not fully initialized with the default service accounts. Please try again later.

go to in browser


Install kubectl and make sure it works: gcloud components install kubectl kubectl get node (should return 3 nodes) Install helm using https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/install.md Clone our git repository git clone https://github.com/data-8/jupyterhub-k8s Create a file called ‘config.yaml’. This will hold the various customizations we perform for our JupyterHub installation. Make the values initially be: name: “name-of-your-hub” hub: cookieSecret: “<output-of-openssl rand -hex 32>” token: proxy: “<output-of-openssl rand -hex 32>” (Note: Make sure these aren’t curly quotes in your file!) Run helm init to prepare the kubernetes cluster for helm installation Run helm install helm-chart --name=<name-of-your-hub> --namespace=<name-of-your-hub> -f config.yaml You can see the pods being created with kubectl --namespace=<name-of-your-hub> get pod. Wait for the hub and proxy pod to get to running (the cull might be in error - ignore it for now, it’ll be fixed when https://github.com/data-8/jupyterhub-k8s/issues/143 is fixed) You can find the IP to use for accessing the JupyterHub with kubectl --namespace=<name-of-your-hub> get svc - the external IP for the ‘proxy-public’ service should be accessible in a minute or two. The default authenticator is ‘dummy’ - any username / password will let you in!

We can explore setting other options, such as persistent storage for users, memory / cpu limits, and other authenticators now!

Common errors:

Something like “could not find default credentials. See https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials for more information.” Do gcloud auth application-default login and follow the prompts. The link provided has other options for advanced use cases.